Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Patience, Keep Asking, Knocking, and Seeking

God’s Power Principle for Today:  “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Matt. 7:7-8).

Hey Gang:  I love that verse.  Think about it for a moment – “Ask”, ask who…ask the Creator of all that we survey, the One who has the power of the universe;  The promise, “Ask, and it will be given to you,”  given what?  What you ask for! 

If at first you do not succeed, then “seek” and keep “seeking” until you find and, if that does not work, get more aggressive and “knock and keep knocking  until ‘it’ whatever it might be, is opened to you.  But keep in mind that we need to allow God to be God, ask according to His will, for he knows the hairs of your headand His plan is perfect.  Keep in mind that when Moses asked God, “Who shall I say sent me,”  God responded, “Moses, tell them "I AM" sent you”. 

Many years ago I received a call from a very special friend whose prayer was that God would allow him to develop a Christian Radio Station. This was a prayer that he had faithfully prayer for a number of years with no success.  I listened and could say, "been there", for I had prayed that God would allow me to develop a place where kids with hang ups could receive a ‘shirt tail to hang onto for two years without success. It was said I was the only unemployed director of a non-existent boy's home.

I do not remember all that we talked about that day, but I do remember suggesting he might change his prayer from seeking a radio station to seeking God's will for his life whatever that will might be.  God created us, He knows every hair on our head, He knows what He has designed for our lives and He knows precisely how He wants to implement that plan when we put our trust in Him and lean not on our own understanding.

Several days after our conversation, the station manager of the radio station where he worked, approached Gary and asked if he would consider developing a morning devotional segment for the station.  An interim fulfillment of Gary's prayer while God prepared him for what was to come.  Today it is a joy to turn on the radio to Praise Radio, the fulfillment of many years of prayer by a very dedicated young man.  

Has God planted a seed in your heart that is in His incubator?  If so be advised, His plan is perfect in all ways, including the timing when it will come into being.  Notice: what was God saying that day on the mountain as he prepared Moses to take on the powers of Egypt and lead God’s people out of bondage?  I sense he was saying, “I AM’ has been in your past; I AM is in your today’s: and I AM will be in your future and my grace is sufficient for you in all things.

Sooo, my young compatriots, "Ask, and keep asking, seek and keep seeking and knock and keep knocking" and when His time is right, hang on tight for you will get rope burns when He says "Go For it!"  I know, been there!



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