Friday, June 12, 2015

Prophecy, Setting the Table

"Therefore thus says the Lord God, "Surely the nations which are around you will themselves endure their insults" (Ezek. 36:7).

Hey Gang: I have been a student of prophecy for nearly half of my eighty one years and when I felt God was leading me into developing a prophecy blog I thought it would be a piece of cake.  But such has not been the case.

  That does not mean that I cannot send out a constant supply of things that one might consider prophetic in nature for there are usually several articles that come across the computer each day of things that need to be shared, but getting them refined in the brain and developed into the right format is a horse of different color. 

John Poole, an old country preacher, after bringing a message that raised the roof of the auditorium a notch or two was wrapping up his message when an elderly gentlemen in the middle of the auditorium began to shout, "Somethin's fixin’ to happen, somethin's fixin’ to happen over and over again.  John said," Ya know that really ticked me off" first....but then it began to get into my spirit and I came down off the pulpit and went down and put my arms around that brother and shouted, "I don't know what and when it is fixin’ to happen, but I'm fixin’ to be a part of it.” 

War is certainly on the minds of most of the people of the world today.  I recently heard a discussion, more like a question and answer session involving several of the major players in the prophetic world at this time, pertaining to what is the next big step in the prophetic word.    One felt that we are nearing that time when Gog-Magog would surface its ugly head.  There is certainly sufficient information to get caught up in this idea but I have always had a problem with this scenario. 

My question with Gog-Magog being next centers on the fact that none of those nations that are butted up against Israel are mentioned as participants in the Gog - Magog War.   My question, “How come"  They are certainly alive and well today, loaded for bear and have all the killing devices needed to fulfill what they continually tell us is their goal - to annihilate Israel.   

In Psalm 83 we find words that have become very common in the Sons of Ishmael and Esau world; "Your enemies make an up roar".   And who is the enemy referred to here?  Those nations that are neighbors to Israel proper.  "And those who hate You have exalted themselves.  They have said, "Come let us wipe them out as a nation that the name of Israel be remembered no more"    For they have conspired together with one mind; against You they make a covenant." (vs. 2-5).

And then one day a gentlemen by the name of Bill Salas surfaced with a book entitled Isralestine (The ancient blueprint of the future of the Middle East). That  hit my hot button because it agreed with my way of thinking.  We like to be agreed with, don't we?  He has become a favorite on the speaking circuit, basically because he has filled a void that was a source of argument among the various schools of prophetic thought.  

In a nut shell he replaced Gog-Magog with Psalm 83 as being the next step in the prophetic wars.  Psalm 83 reads very much like news reports that are filling our airways today.   To set the table for understanding what Asaph was saying in Psalm 83 it is important to understand  where we are at this moment prophetically.  To get a wide angle picture we need to turn to Zechariah 12:3 "It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured.  And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it".  
This tiny nation, about the size of New Jersey, has been and will continue to be the center fold on the world news circuit until Father God says to Son, Yeshua - Time to go for it!


PS I wrote this blog several weeks ago.  Note the Supreme Court decision recently to overturn a Congressional Law allowing US Citizens born in Jerusalem to claim Israel as their nation of origin. Thus saying  Jerusalem is not a part of Israel!

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