Friday, April 7, 2017

A Yoke Is Not a Bad Thing

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, AND YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  (Matt. 11:28-30).

Hey gang:  Are you dealing with some tough issues this morning?  Read the Scripture again and get it firmly implanted in your mind and heart.  Jesus never said anything that was not truth, nothing but the truth, so help me Abba Father.   But, to understand what He is saying, we must do some fast tracking through the Word and find out what He meant. 

The Greek word ‘easy’ literally means well fitting.  William Barkley, in his Daily Study Bible Series, tells us of a legend that Jesus was the best yoke-maker in Israel and folks came ‘hither and yon’ to get him to tailor-make a yoke that would not gall their oxen.  It has been suggested that Jesus had a sign above his shop door that read, “My yokes fit well.”  Perhaps here He is using a picture from the carpenter’s shop in Nazareth where he had worked throughout His silent years.

Jesus said, “My yoke fits well”.  I believe what He means is “The life I give you is not one that will gall you.”  

Whatever God sends our way is made perfectly to fit our needs and our abilities to the ‘T’.    We have the assurance that He will never send us on a trail that He does not equip us to fulfill.  He said to Noah, build an ark.  Can you imagine how Noah felt at that first moment after receiving his marching orders – “who me?    What is an ark, Lord?” 

Our new President is enduring sever attacks from those who do not want him to succeed, but he does have mega folks who are praying diligently for him and providing a cushion of support.  Noah had none.  He and his family would one day board the ship “the Ark” and be the only survivors on earth.  I would suggest in those years when he, and I assume his sons, labored to fulfill God’s challenge to them- build the ark- their yokes were heavy.

As I reread the above Scripture over again the words “AND YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS” stuck out in very bold print.  Jesus said the closer we get to the end of the age the more difficult and turbulent it will be.  Many will fall by the wayside, even some of the elect because they have not been honed on the Potter’s wheel and filled their heart and mind with the Word of God.    Yes, the days are growing more dark and difficult but rest assured that with God’s yoke in place,  His grace will be sufficient to carry us through any wilderness that we encounter. 

So,  my young friends, when you think your yoke is especially heavy, keep in mind it was perfectly honed by the Master Carpenter and will not ‘gall’ your spirit.  Also, keep in mind, to live in his world without God’s yoke - is dangerous!



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