Friday, August 3, 2018

Something For You to Ponder This Morning

"Thus, I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.  Therefore, I will make the heavens tremble. and the earth will be shaken from its place in the day of His burning anger."  (Isaiah 13:11, 13)

"From the Lord of Hosts you will be punished with thunder and earthquake and loud noise, With whirlwind and tempest and the flames of a consuming fire. (Isaiah 29:6).

Hey Gang: They say it is the worse fires in the history of the nation.  They say the winds in these storms have been the worse in recorded history in our country.  They say it has been the worse tornado season ever.  They say we have had more volcanos erupt this year than ever before.  They say there is activities in the heavenlies like they have never seen before.   

Joel Rosenberg, in his book "Implosion" wrote, "Yes, I believe something has gone terribly wrong with the American experiment. Our families are imploding. Our national debt is exploding. Experts on the left and the right warn we are on an unsustainable trajectory and urgently need to change course. Yet, too many in Washington, academia, the media and even the church are in a "business as usual" mode. As result, millions of Americans fear the ice is cracking under our feet". 

William Bennett, the Republican former Education Secretary and Drug Czar in the Reagan and Bush administrations, notes:  "Since 1960, even taking into account recent improvements, we have seen a 467 percent increase in violent crime;….a 461 percent increase in out-of-wedlock births; more than a 200 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes; more than a doubling of the teen suicide rate;….a doubling of the divorce rate."...53 million creations of God have been sacrificed on the altar of Molech.”

The question was put to Joel:  "Is it too late to turn it around?” His response, “No, God gives us the key to restoration in the following passage: "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive your sin and will heal their land" (2 Chron. 7:14).

So, those of you who read this message, and are younger than I, which probably includes all of you, have you humbled yourself before the Lord of lords and Kings of kings this morning? Have you prayed diligently for the healing of our land? Have you examined your heart and placed all those things that grieve the Holy Spirit at His feet for cleansing?   Keep in mind that Jesus said, "I come quickly!"



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