Friday, January 25, 2019

Jesus said, "Be Alert!" Are You Alert?

“That which came as the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah saying “Thus says the Lord of Hosts, ‘Behold, I am going to break the bow of Elam, The finest of their might, I will bring upon them the four winds “ (Jer. 49:34-35).

Hey Gang, In the early years of my walk with the Lord I confess, I was an active member of the ‘weak and unaware’ class of believers.   And then one day God opened my eyes to His prophetic word- which started me down a road that has lasted more than 50 years.  I learned very early in the education process that prophecy was a key to opening doors of understanding for hearts who needed to see the Word in black and white.

But I also learned from a dear lady, by the name of Grandma Jessie, that superficial reading without taking the time to follow the road maps of the Word tends to do more confusing than clarifying.  Jesus said that He did not want us to be unaware.

In the morning Scripture, Jeremiah tells us Elam is in for a shocking experience.  I had read this Scripture many times but never took the time to ask the question, “Where is Elam” It was just a place mentioned in passing as I progressed through the Scripture reading of the moment.  But when you realize that Elam is a portion of Iran it tends to add a sudden interest in what Jeremiah is saying.

Much like the rhetoric from the many prophecy gurus of our day who are shouting from the roof tops, “Beware the Gog - Magog Confederacy is preparing their horses and sharpening their swords in preparation to complete what Hitler initiated with the holocaust -the total annihilation of the Jews.  

As one Iranian General stated recently, when asked how he felt about the Olim (Jews returning to the land of their heritage) returning home, responded, “It will be easier for us to annihilate them”.
Iran continues to make no bones about it; they have God’s Chosen People and Chosen Land in their cross hairs. And history has taught us that when you tamper with the “Apple of God’s eye” and threaten to remove them from the face of the earth, the question is not “IF’ God’s patience will run out but  “When!”  

Do you think God is wringing His hands?  I think not.  You see He programmed the land of Elam before time began for this very season.  Man, in his infinite wisdom chose this very area, in all of the vastness of Iran to locate their nuclear programs.   Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Reactor is located in Elam’s Bushehr Providence, erected by Russia with substandard rods.  When you add the sub-standard nuclear facility to the fact that Elam is one of the most seismic-active places in the world, one might be concerned for their physical welfare - knowing an earthquake could hit at any moment and send the whole area into orbit.

 When most people talk about the future of Iran in Bible prophecy, they typically go to Ezekiel 38-39 where the prophet Ezekiel explains what is coming down in their future.   Again, one does not have to be of super intelligence to see the day is rapidly approaching when “Something is going to happen.”
Notice verses 36 through 36: “I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four ends of heaven, and will scatter them to all these winds, and there will be no nation to which the outcasts of Elam will not go”.    The Iran government has done all in their power to cleanse their nation of Christ followers, which has resulted in continual growth of followers of the Lord!  How many is difficult to tell due to many underground believers.   But it is known fact that the number is considerably high and their battle cry is “bring on Elam.” That will set them free to fulfill “…there will be no nation to which the outcasts of Elam, will not go.”  Their hope is to evangelize the world.  

So, my friends, I close with the same question!  “ARE YOU ALERT”.  Are you sensitive to what is happening all around our world?

 Jesus said, “When all the signs are coming together, look up, your redemption is very near.”



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