Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Do You Major on the Mundane

“For the kingdom of God is not just eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”.  (Rom. 14:17).

Hey Gang:  Is it not amazing what we sometimes choose to argue about?  As a boy I attended a church that had a wonderful youth program, a thriving community out-reach and God was honored in worship and praise.

Then it was decided the worship and praise could be moved up a step or two if they purchased an organ.   The church waited in anticipation for the completion of the installation and the wonderful music that would resonate from this new addition to the praise team. 

But, there was a problem that surfaced even before the organ was installed – who would play the organ?  It turned out to be a battle similar to the Martin’s and McCoy’s of folklore days. This split the church right down the middle aisle.  Those for Alice on the right side and those for Betty on the left side.

To make a long story very short – for it was a year or more of intense arguing and pure nastiness, the church began to come unglued.  The pastor resigned and moved on, the youth leaders resigned and  moved on, the praise team resigned and move on, the average attendance dropped from more than two hundred to less than seventy.
 As I look back some seventy years, I believe with all my heart God withdrew His anointing over the Fourth Street Church of God over a conglomeration of wood, wires and keyboard called an organ.

Sooo, keep in mind, it is very easy to get caught up in things that don’t really matter - things that over shadow the important things- like loving God and each other.  As one elderly gentlemen suggested, “Let’s have a congregational wiener roast and burn the organ and give our church back to the Lord!.”   That, my young friends, was pure wisdom.  Today as you make decisions, take a moment and look down the road a piece and see what the value of that decision is, and the message it will send to those folks who care about you.



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