Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When You Least Expect It, Be Ready To Be A Seed Planter For Jesus

 “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” (Matt. 25:40).  

Hey Gang,  I know most of you, who avail yourselves to Gramps Morning Thoughts, have heard the following story but I like it and I am writing this - so I will share it anyway.  It is the story of a saintly cobbler who learned that he was to receive a visit from the Lord.

Though poorer than church mice, he determined to entertain the Lord with the best hospitality he could manage.  He bought a loaf of fine bread, a fragrant log to make a fire, and prepared a new pair of shoes for the Master’s feet.   

As he waited a starving child came to his door.  There was no way he could not break out the fine bread and not give it to the starving visitor.  When a freezing woman knocked on his door, the cobbler made a fire with the fragrant log to warm her.  And to a young man with bruised and bleeding feet he gave the fine shoes.

 By nightfall the cobbler was disappointed that the Lord had not yet visited him.  “Why have you not come?”  he prayed.  But Jesus responded, “I did come – three times.  I was the hungry child, the freezing woman, and the man with no shoes!”

Paul teaches us that “While we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith” (Gal. 6:10).

Sooo, turn on your sensitive eyes and ears this morning and watch for the hungry child, the freezing woman or the man who had bleeding feet and reach out to them as the Good Samaritan did with the injured man on the Jericho Road.



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