Monday, May 2, 2016

A Promise of Hope

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently” (Romans 8:25).

We, as believers in Jesus Christ as Lord, are expecting that one day soon a chariot and horse of fire will stop at our door and the Lord’s promise If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am there you may be also” (John 14:3) will be fulfilled. 

To a true believer in Jesus, the thought of leaving this world and going to be “forever with the Lord” does not have severe sadness attached to that glorious event.  Heaven is our home, we are just passing through.

I recently heard a neat story about an elderly Christian saint whose life had deteriorated to a life of tests, pills, doctor appointments and all those things that make this the Golden Years for the medical profession.  One day she began to have breathing problems- so severe that she pressed that little button on her chest; you know the one that alerts someone that you are having deep problems.  The ambulance arrived and rushed her to the hospital.

After a quick examination by the emergency room doctor he announced they had best call the family, her chance of survival was not very good.  The family was called, as well as the minister.  The minister laid hands on the dear sister, prayed that the Lord’s will be done, and low and behold, within minutes she began to feel better.  Within hours she was dismissed and walked out of the hospital.

Several weeks later she had a recurrence and the same procedure was followed: tests, and once again the suggestion by the physician to call the family, and, of course, her minister.  He once again laid hands on the dear sister, she recovered and walked out of the hospital. 

When a third incident happened, the procedure was repeated; the same warning given by the physician, but this time she made a request to the family – do not call the minster!

We are longing for that moment when He comes for His children and takes them to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb - never to be separate again throughout all eternity.  I do not have a clue what it will be like when He introduces us to the principalities and powers in heavenly places and He, Yeshua, invites us to sit with Him.  Surely then the holy angels, who have never sinned, will unite in exclaiming, “Behold how He loved them!”

It is not an awesome thought, that in the twinkling of an eye, we may find ourselves freed from the bondage of this earth and in the presence of Jesus, the incarnate Son of God who gave His life that we might live eternally with Him.  If that does not get your thumper thumping you had best get your thumper checked, not in the emergency room but in your prayer closet.



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