Friday, June 16, 2017

Are You A Seed Planter? Have You Reached Out and Touched Somebody Today?

“For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit” (I Cor. 12:13).   In other words, “We…were made to share.”

Hey Gang:  Time for another lesson from this old man who is older than dirt.  I have learned along the way that It is easy to fall by the wayside and get run over without anybody ever noticing.  

But, getting run over is not the real problem – it is being fearful to seek out a brother or sister to tell that you have been run over because you fear they will think you are on some sort of pity party. Or just plain weak in faith.

Paul says, get over it! Refuse to live in bondage to that kind of stinking – thinking.  Paul says that we were made to share and carry each other in times of wilderness experiences.  In verse thirteen he wrote, “For by one spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jew or Greeks, either slave or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.“

 God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” We are wired to be communal in nature and crave to be connected.  We need people to laugh with, talk with, interact with and, yes, even to cry with.  When that does not happen, we are not strengthened by receiving, and others are not blessed by giving. 

Did you ever stop to think that God’s blessings are two- way?   When I give, you are blessed to receive and, in return, I am blessed when I give.  Luke put it this way: “Give, and it will be given to you…”  Notice the last part of that verse: ”…for by your standard of measure it will be measured out to you in return”  (Lu. 6:38).

So, when you see someone in need and you do not reach out and make a deposit in their love bank by coming alongside them, you miss one of God’s blessings.  And, if you, when in need say, “Oh, no, I can handle this alone” when a brother or sister says, “Let me carry your load for a while”, you are robbing them of God’s blessing. 

But a word of caution:  Do not hold a person to such high esteem that they lead you down the wrong pathways; nor worship at the altar of their public opinions in- order to stay in their good graces;  nor be intimidated into being anyone other than the person God made you to be!  

With that thought, watch for opportunities to be a blessing to someone who is in need and get a blessing from the heavenlies in return – in the same measure. And help someone to receive a blessing by saying “Yes, I need someone to walk with me through this valley”.  

The help you need is just around the corner. Paul wrote, “For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.” (2 Cor. 12:12). 



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