Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"Do you Love Me More Than These?"

“For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore, also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us” (2 Cor. 1:20).  Behold if God loved us, should we not love one another”.  (1 John 4:11).  Jesus, our Lord, who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be freed from the bondages of our sin and death said, “There is no greater love than to lay down your life for the brethren”.  (John 15:13).

Hey Gang:  I am presently exchanging letters with a young man, twenty-one years of age. He has reached the obsolete pits of the Michigan Prison system called Marquette Branch Prison.  I would ask that you add him to your prayer list.  To gain this achievement in the prison system requires a diligence in being a “bad sort of hombre” and not learning from previous incarcerations in lesser secure facilities.

It is interesting to me that at the same time we are preparing to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Eagle Village, this young man crossed my path.  His story is one I have heard thousands of times, in my fifty-plus years of working with kids who made bad decisions in their lives.   I long ago placed the name “the empty eye syndrome” for I see an emptiness in the eyes of the hearts of those who seek something that will fill the vacuum in their chest cavity that is just the size of God. 

His first letter, in response to my first letter to him, was filled with “I am a total failure and there is nothing you can do for me”.  I am here, in a Maximum Security Prison where violence is the only thing respected and will be here for fifteen years or longer. 

The theme of his letter was wrapped up in one sentence: “I’m a convicted class A criminal doing 15 years minimum in prison.  I’m a gang member, and have tattoo’s on my hand, head and face.  I am lost and I don’t know where to go.   But he followed his comment with the solution to his problem “I love God but I struggle to see how He’s helping me.” 

In my return letter to him, I first agreed there was nothing I could do to change him.  That was the sole responsibility of the guy he greets every morning in the mirror.  And I shared the story of a man in similar circumstances locked away in a secure facility in Georgia.  One night, he received a visit from Jesus who told him, “When I created you I had a plan for you but you have failed to fulfill that plan, you have left “Holes in Time”.   

I wonder how many holes in time I have left in my 84-year walk through his life?  I pray daily that someone filled hose holes that I failed to fill.  That night Frank Constantino gave his life to Jesus and began to prepare to become a hole-filler right there in the prison.  We know that nothing is impossible for God and He certainly knows how to open prison doors.  He did it for Paul and Silas; he did it for Frank, God opened the prison door many years before his sentence was fulfilled.

Paul wrote: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will reap”.  (Gal 6:7). We taught families and staff- this works both positive and negative.  My challenge is to seek the Lord’s guidance in changing this young man’s attitude from ‘I am a failure and my life is over’ to “I can do all through Christ” for whom nothing is impossible for.”

How about you?  Are you a Johnny Appleseed with the Word?  Our Church is raising money to send kids to camp. I am a great believer in kids going to camp because it is a proven fact that more kids are saved in camp than in church.  One of the fund-raising projects is pop cans. When I was delivering my stash of said product, I found a group of people sitting in the lobby of the church in total silence.  So, I said, “good morning, is this not a beautiful day that God has given us?” Then I shook a few hands on my way out the door.  I noticed as I left, people were talking to each other and several were even smiling.  

Reread the scriptures of the morning again, “There is no greater gift than to lay down your life for the brethren.”

Why?  Dr. Luke wrote: “Give, and it will be given to you.” Luke 6:38) Give and God will bless you in the same measure”.  In Malachi 3:10, God says, “Test me now in this”.     


Hey Gang:  Don’t leave any holes in time today!

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