Friday, November 2, 2018

Are We In the Midst of a Metamorphosis?

“He gives rain on the earth and sends water on the fields, So that He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted up to safety,  He frustrates the plotting of the shrewd, So that their hands cannot attain success” (Job5:10-12).

Hey Gang:  We are blessed to be members of the Jonathan Cahn family and receive monthly devotionals from him.  They are a wonderful mixture of prophecy, Hebrew education and many words of encouragement in these very tough times. 

The theme of this month’s letter included a lesson in the process the caterpillar goes through to become a beautiful butterfly.  A process called metamorphosis. Cahn’s focus: we as Christians go through a metamorphosis from the moment we are born into the Kingdom of our Lord until we are called up to be with Him. 

Tough process?  You bet.  I believe most would agree Paul was one, who in his early ministry went through a tough process moving from a Pharisee, with intent of shutting down the New Way faith, to moving into the Lord’s camp and promoting and developing this New Way.  One day. as he was on another field trip with the intent of doing great harm to the New Way community, God looked down and said, “I’ll take that one”. 

As I have watched the Cavanaugh fiasco, my watching has been sparse indeed,  it has caused pangs of a mixture of anger and sadness. The steady around-the-clock diet in the news it is like wallpaper paste and sticks to whatever it contacts.  It reminds me of a book I reported on in Helen Reimund’s class at good old Findlay College, by Anton Chekhov, the theme was based on ‘Man’s Inhumanity to Man”.   

I believe most would agree, Paul’s metamorphosis from Pharisee to servant of the living God worked out pretty well, even though he confessed there were times when he did the very thing he did not want to do.   

I believe it was Albert Einstein who promoted the truth that for every action there is an equal reaction.  I suspect his statement pertained to the world of science, but in my years of going through the metamorphosis process, I have found that statement to be more truth than fiction in every area of my life.

My fear is that our Nation is also going through a metamorphosis, but in the opposite direction from a beautiful butterfly to a ugly caterpillar.  How sad. Your people who are called by Your name are not shouting from the rooftops, enough!  My concern is why would a Bible-believing born-again Christian open their heart and family to the evilness that surrounds our Nation at this time.  When even death threats are being waged against the Bride and children of God’s family.

As an air traffic controller, when an aircraft declared he was having mechanical problems or had a medical emergency on board, my first consideration was which side of the point of no return is he.  The second was is there an intermediate airport that can handle the aircraft involved. 

I wonder, Lord, what side of the point of no return America is on today.  I love the United States of America and have served her with my life.  My prayer is He, God, will send a Jonah into our midst and there will be an earth-shaking repentance in every nock and cranny of our nation.  This is my prayer, Lord. 

And for each of you who read this epistle I pray you will join me in humbling yourself before the Lord, praying with intent and intensity, seek a deeper walk with the Lord and put off those things that are offensive to the Lord (2 Chron 7:14).    This I pray Father in Jesus’ Precious Name.  Amen.



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