Friday, November 9, 2018

Is Our Current President a Temporary Road BLock?

“When these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:29).

Hey gang:  We recently returned from a Prophecy Conference. Normal questions from friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, “How was it?”  How does one say great- when the theme of the conference was the coming end of this age and that billions of people on going to perish if they do not get their hearts right with Jesus.  There were thirty-three presenters offering eighty workshops in 3 days!

 The Presenters came from all over the United States and several from overseas; they had very little opportunity to make contact with each other.  The only instruction given to them was time and place of their workshops.  But, yet, there was a similar theme that ran through nearly all of the eighty workshops, “GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER!” 

I am writing this Gramps message the night before the mid-term elections.    One has to have their head buried deep in the sand not to realize the importance of this election.    In 2016, just a week before the election day, our President was seven points down, or so said the very liberal press, but that was before God took control of the ballot box and the hearts of many of God’s people. 

 There is no question with the liberal media against him, the Hollywood contingent and of course the very left leaning democratic faithful, that they had the election in their party and were in the process of how they would remove Christ from more than the halls of government - but from the nation.  But, at that time, God said, “No, I love this country, the land of the free and the brave; a nation founded on My principles and freedom to worship Me at any time and any place. It was the faith of the Founding Fathers that paved the way for greatness.”

The late Dr. James Kennedy, influential pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida, who shared this observation:  “In reading the Constitution of all fifty states, I discovered…there is in all fifty, without exception, an appeal or a prayer to the Almighty God of the universe…Through all fifty state Constitutions, without exception, there runs this same appeal and reverence to God who is the Creator of our liberties and the preserver of out freedoms”.  

General Omar Bradley,was the first officer assigned as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff after World War II.  He stated this powerful insight, “We have grasped the mystery of the atom and ejected the Sermon on the Mount…The world has achieved brilliance without conscience.  Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants”.  

Paul gives us warning, “Beware lest anyone cheat you though philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ”. (Col. 2:8).  He went on in verse 10, “We cannot rely upon philosophy and tradition to show us truth.  In stead, we must continually gauge the world’s message through the Bible to see how it compares to the Lord’s ultimate truth.  When we do. God promises that we will be “complete in Him”.

I asked the question, “Is our president a temporary road block?  We will find out tomorrow whether He, God Almighty, is willing to extend that road block for another two years to see if we get our head out of the sand and return to the roots of our Founding Fathers.  If not, I pray, God have mercy on our Nation!



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