Friday, March 22, 2019

Three Questions Designed to Get Your Attention

Scripture:  As I began to research for the following Morning Messages, I rapidly encountered what I think of as the Peter principle:  “If it can go wrong, it will!”.  But, as the morning progressed and the problem doubled, I moved into high gear. I felt in my heart that the message God wanted me to share was not to the evil one’s liking and the harassment continued. 

Is this something new?  In no way.  We always knew when God was moving us in a different direct during the development of the Eagle Village programs, He tested out those new concepts in our home!  

It is also in those times when we turned up the heat a notch or two in our warfare against the evil one that we drew on God’s promise: “Greater is He that is in us than he that is the world” (I John 4:4).  It is always important to keep our armor spit-polished, our lanterns filled with the Holy Spirit and sword (The Word) in place - Satan has a bulls-eye on your back and a head of steam to make life as miserable as possible. Keep in mind that “That is God is for us, who can be against it?” (Rom. 8:31).

So, my good buddies with the help of my computer guru, I believe the bugs have been worked out and I can proceed with what I believe God would have me say this morning.  The tapes from the October Conference finally arrives a few weeks back and I am loaded for bear with far more material than I will ever be able to share with you.  

At the conference we had scheduled a full day of workshops with the exception of session one on the opening day.  It was my intention to do a sweep through the dozens of tables that were piled high with materials available for folks to take home with them.  But, as the hour drew near for session one, I was walking by a workshop titled “Bible Prophecy For Everyone” by Todd Hampson from Southern California. That was like a magnet and before I knew it, I was sitting in the front row with notebook and pen in hand.

Within moments of his presentation I knew I was going to like this very energetic presenter.  Two reasons: first, he was talking in a language that my hillbilly background could understand; second, he was determined not to move to point two until all had a clear understanding of point one in his presentation.

It was like a glass of pure clear cold water on a very hot day for it solved a dilemma that I have fought with for many years- ‘How to present the Prophetic work in a in a clear non-confusing way.  We are truly blessed as family members of God’s family to have an awesome-fabulous Book, a Book that has no comparison and is filled from cover to cover with what has happened, what is happening and what is going to happen!  The word that Jesus said, “I want you to have this so that you will know what is coming down even before it happens” (John 14:29 and John 13:19).

In his presentation Todd introduced his book that he has recently completed titled The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times.  It is a tremendous book for those who have been down the prophecy road for many years, and equally, if not more important, for the new comer to the prophecy wars.  This is by no means an advertisement for Todd’s book but, if you are - as I was, trying to eat a watermelon with a tea spoon and eager to move from the superficial to the red meat of prophecy, I would recommend you consider it.

Hey Gang, I will leave this for this morning and pick it up next time with three essential questions that he addressed and titled, “Choose Your Own Adventure, Three responses to the Signs of Christ’s return.

I close this Morning Message with a question, “Do you think God is trying to get America’s attention? The water in my yard is so deep even the crows are wearing hip boots!



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