Friday, February 14, 2014

What Price?

“Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man.  Be glad in that day and leap for joy, and behold, your reward is great in heaven.  For in the same way their fathers used to treat the prophets.” (Luke 6:22-23).

Hey Gang:  I am writing this Morning Message in a beautiful apartment at Voice of Martyrs in Bartlesville, Oklahoma where the temperature has been bouncing between ten below and ten above since we arrived three weeks ago.  I need to confess that I seriously considered that the five hundredth blog would be my swan song.   How many know the ‘best laid plans of mice and men’ tend to go by the boards, very rapidly.

Soon after my arrival here a half of dozen folks informed me they start their day with the blogs and others, over hearing the conversation, asked for cards so they could tune in.  So, here I am in blog number 502- but who is counting?  I do need to confess that my total source for writing these morning messages is from the Throne Room of Heaven and l will know when to stop--- when He(Yeshua) no longer spoon feeds me in what He would have me share with you.

A second reason I feel the need to continue to send out these messages is we, my bride and I tend to spend many hours seeking a deeper understanding of God’s final plans for this world we live in and we need to share that information as watchmen. Now, please understand, I do not believe we have any inside track about what  is happening, but we do have the time to seek and learn, as well as glean from trusted teachers.  As retired, very senior citizens, our working day is restricted to bringing the wood in, keeping the drive way plowed and going to the grocery store for vittles once in a while, except Here at VOM which is 8 hour work days.

As I mentioned we are presently volunteering   at Voice of Martyrs.  It is one of the very high points in our year and a tremendous blessing to be so used by our heavenly Daddy to help the persecuted believers around the world.  One of the neat fringe benefits about being here is we blessed to hear from warriors who have experienced persecution as a way of life. This helps to bring us up to speed the way it really is, in a large portion of the world.

 Tuesday is Chapel time – over 100 of us together in worship and praise. Last week we were introduced to a ministry sponsored by VOM in Nigeria to widows whose husbands have been martyred.  As I listened to the two ladies, who recently returned from Nigeria, I wondered if I would have the courage, if someone with gun in hand gave me the option to deny Christ or die, what would I do?

Since the 26th of January more than 200 Christians have been killed by Boko Haram terrorist.   They have been known to surround a church while in session, set it on fire and kill those who try to escape.  Recently Islamist terrorists attacked a church in Waga Chakawa  Village and killed 22 Christian and another 26 as they were fleeing from their homes.

Soooo, I ask you, could this happen in the United States of American, the home of the free and the brave, founded on the principles of free speech and freedom to worships the Lord anytime and anyplace?  Are we seeing the doors beginning to close in our nation on freedom to worship and share our God with all people?    What price are you willing to pay?



PS From Gma: I’m sure you are aware that this is already happening in our schools, public areas, military and many Government offices.  One of the young high school volunteers from AR, who worked with me, talked about his ‘persecution’ at school.  He has been sent to detention, over and over, and whatever is the next level, and threatened for reading his Bible – even tho his work is completed and they have free time;  others are playing computer games or whatever. 

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