Friday, July 13, 2012

More Daddy, Please More!

"He Will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse." (Mal. 4:6)

Hey Gang:  In my tenure as the exulted eagle of an oasis for hurting children, I kept the above verse on my bulletin board.   I prayed without ceasing that one day we would hear the trumpets sound and see the missing armies of fathers marching to find their children and take their God given place in their children's lives.

One story that has been a driving force in my heart and mind is who of a little girl that had a deep emptiness in her heart,  her daddy was not a part of her life.  He would come weekly and take the older sister out and lavished his attention on her.  And then one week he went to pick up the older sister but she was bedfast with the flu.

Mom suggested that he might want to take the younger sister out this week and lavish his attention on her.  He agreed  and took her to the local McDonalds for a "Happy Meal".  While the meal was being prepared they talked and in the course of the conversation, daddy took her hands in his and said "I want you to know I love you".   With tears streaming down her face, she replied "More daddy, more, please more!.

 When I went to work in the Juvenile Hal,l I thought it would be a training ground for me prior to going for my masters degree in criminology.  And so, I used my working hours as preparation time for when that day would arrive when I would go back to college.  I compiled my own "poll" and what was happening in the hearts of the kids.  I learned very early that you could tell how hard the kid was by how many hours he cried himself to sleep at night.

Number three on my questionnaire to the kids was, "If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?"  The answer was always the same 'to have my mommy and daddy together and to have a happy home.' 

One evening at the Village, I sensed that someone was standing at the door of my office.  The day was shutting down and the boys were in their rooms for quiet time and off to the arms of Morpheus.  Leroy, an eleven year old was standing there, and I asked him if he would like to come and sit in my lap for a spell.   In the course of our conversation, he asked me a question that would change the total direction of our work.  He said, "Mr. H.  you tell me you love me.  Do you want to show me?"  "Yes, Leroy,, I want to show you".  He then laid this on my heart "Help my mother".

Soooo, my friends, look at your hands.  Do you realize that God directs each of us to be a witness for Him to someone, this very day, who is crying out "More daddy, Please More.  It may be your child, or a grandchild or even a great grandchild.    Or it may be your spouse, your brother or sister or even your parents.  This I know, there are few days that go by that God does not send someone who is crying "More daddy, please More!.  Are your ears tuned to hear their cry?



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