Friday, July 19, 2019

Pow, A Light Doth Shine!

“Therefore, God gave them over in their lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.  For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen.  For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions” (Rom. 12:24-26a). 

Hey Gang:  Two words that seem to dominate the news, coming forth from the prophecy gurus of the land, are convergence and exponential curve.   Jesus was asked three questions by His disciples:  When will these things happen? What will be a sign of Your coming?  What will be a sign of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:2). Jesus gave us a listing of things that we should be aware of.  

The other day, as I was in the final stage of preparing for the class my bride and I have been privileged to share with a group of eager beavers to learn, was a question that has hounded me for many months: ‘What has caused the rapid growth in our nation of sexual perversion.’    

Now, I am not naïve to the point that I believe that this is a new perversion in our nation.  As we read in the word, it has been with us since the beginning of time.    But when growing up as a lad, I do not recall the blatant exploitation and openness that we see today in every facet of our society. 

There was often the sudden disappearance of one of our female classmates, who was sent to live with an aunt in a far city. We all had our suspicions but one day she would show up again and look very much like she did the day she disappeared, and all was forgotten.  While a college student, my bride was a tutor to no less than ten high school girls who were with child and not permitted in school.  Can we say that is a common malady in our time?  Common may not be a correct term but rare does not fit either.

That is the tragedy of sin. When the laws of God are violated and not recognized for what it truly is, SIN, it becomes part of the norms of the day including in the church. 

I remember when the 9/11 tragedy hit out nation, the pews in the churches around New York City were filled; however, ten weeks later the pews were as empty as they were before the tragic event.  Oh, there were a few that stayed the course, but generally it was only a short time until the memory faded, and most returned to their old ways, waiting for the next tragedy to hit.     

When the study gurus, who spend their lives seeking reasons for why things happen asked those who had hit the church doors why they are no longer hitting the church doors.  The basic answer was, “I went seeking but did not find”.     Is that not the tragedy of our day? The place where we should feel totally secure has turned its back on people of our nation.   Well, I could spend a day or two on that subject but let me close with a question for you to ponder.

Above I talked a wee-bit about the emphasis on sexual issues in our nation and, if the deviant population has its way, along with the ‘I –will-give-you-anything-for-your-vote law makers of out nation’ “We ain’t seen nothing yet”.  So, here’s the question: in Romans 1:26 Paul wrote these words, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions”.   What say you?  Do you think that warning is being played out in living color in our world today and while you are pondering that question; also include this thought in your pondering, ‘could that be yet another sign that  we are rapidly nearing the day when Father God says to Son, Jesus, “Go collect your kids and bring them home?’

I love that song, “Off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sky”.  Yesterday we had the privilege of saying a few words at the funeral of a young lady who lived with a sever disability for the fifty years of life.  This was a celebration, for we know today she is running and leaping and praising God with a perfect body under the loving eyes of the King of kings and Lord of lords.



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