Friday, July 26, 2019

Pray For Even the Little Things With Faith - and Stand By and Watch

“And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God”.  Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea’ and does not doubt in his heart, but  believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.  Therefore, I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you (Mark 11:22-24). 

Hey Gang:  Those of you who have gone through the joys and frustration of my D 14 Allis Chalmers Tractor that I recently said, it is finished and gave up the ghost.  Correction, I do not believe AC D -14’s have a ghost, but rather reach that point where they can no longer muster enough power to pull themselves out of the parking area.   Kind of like I feel on some mornings.

It was a sad day for me, for we had spent many hours together and there is no question I had placed a whole barrel full of confidence in that old bucket of bolts.  When the doctor informed me it would take far more money to bring it back to working order and, even then, he could not guarantee that is would be able to muster enough get and go to respond to the call of duty when asked to do so.

It was indeed a sad day when I saw the junk man loaded old Betsy on his truck in preparation of hauling her to her last resting place, but he assured me that they would do a close examination and all of her organs that were still functional would be made available, so that other Betsy’s might live a little longer.  That her death was not in vain. 

Now, if that ain’t corn ball, nothing is.  But let me share a little about what has been happening in the lapse of time since Old Betsy died.  When you are 85, thinking of purchasing anything can send questions like is it a good investment for the time I have left of earth. Another tractor might seem a wee bit on the weird and even wasteful side, so I have spent considerable time arguing with myself on the pros and cons and frankly speaking the cons were winning by quite a margin. 

But the other morning when I was once again in an arguing mood, when the thought came into my head that there was a much higher and more knowledgeable one who knew everything there was to know about tractors and other mundane things.   A source that is much to polite to butt-in on my trying to figure out what is the right direction.

Having exhausted my limited knowledge, I ate my pride and cried out, Lord, Help! “, What would you have me do.    Now as my good friend Paul, the computer guru would say, my knowledge of computers and how to get around in them is like a thimble full with room left over.  I am so archaic in electronic devises I do not even own a cell phone.

Well, to cut what could turn into a dissertation, let me cut to the chase.  I turned on the computer and typed “tractors” in and hit the enter key and low and behold a Allis Chalmers  D- 17 tractor came up.  A tractor very similar than the D--14 who a gave up the ghost.  Good enough, right!  Not for this block head.  I began to seek other sources and was unable to get back to the one that I believe God as saying, “Go for it!”  But in came my bride with her galloping key board -like the heroes of yesteryear and she did indeed relocate the first tractor. 

As I look from my window there is a D-17 tractor in my driveway.  The lesson!  Why not put your hands in the hands of the one who not only stills the waters but also created the waters!   Don’t wait until you exhaust all other resources before saying “Help Lord!” 



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