Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Don't Get To Comfortable (Continued)

"Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things" (Ecc. 11:5)

Hey Gang, As Paul Harvey would say, "Now for the rest of the story". My question to God,  "You mean you want me to turn down this opportunity, sell our home, and prepare for up-dumping my family once again?"  I was not too sure I wanted to be obedient.  Oh, the thoughts had entered my mind that I would one day get out of the governmental system, for I learned very early  that the government's ways of dealing with hurting people only created deeper hurts in the lives of the little ones.

With four little ones under the age of ten I did not want to place them in jeopardy, not knowing what was ahead.   I also admit, at that time I was not too deep in my faith-walk with God.  So He sent me an object lesson to drive His point home.  It came in the form of a lad, whom I had cared for in the juvenile hall several times in my tenure at the facility.

He was fourteen years old, going on twenty five, and was viewed by most as having a heart of nails.  But I learned that there were two sides to  Dennis, one hard as nails when around the other kids whose hearts were also filled with nails, and the soft one I talked to in the quietness of his room.

One rainy night, which was very unusual for California at that time of the year, the police once again brought Dennis to the juvenile hall,only this time it was not a misdemeanor - he had stabbed a woman and took her life. 

In the following weeks, as we prepared for Dennis' trial, God did a number on yours truly; a number that surfaced a whole barn-full of feelings that I had not felt before.  In going through the case files from his previous visits I found common denominator - on every trip Denise had not only asked, but begged that he be sent to placement where people would love him and he could be part of a family.

One might say it was on that night that the Village was born.  That day I drove the 26 miles home without using the accelerator - the anger that was radiating through my body was sufficient power for the sports car.  I announced to the bride- of- my- youth  that it was time to stop going through the motions and do something that would give these hurting kids hope and a purpose for living, or for me to become a plumber's helper.
The trip across country, and the more than two year's preparation time, was a time that is almost beyond description; one time of testing followed closely by another time of testing.  Recall that after Jesus was baptized He went into the wilderness of Zin, to be tested by the devil. We have visited that location, as well as surviving our 'wilderness experiences".  We learned a lot about testing, while God prepared us for the of   years of trials and tribulations that would lie ahead.

Sooooo, those of you out there who are set in concrete, keep in mind that God says... "Don't get to comfortable for I have some very neat things for you to do."  l have asked the Lord why he choose me to develop the Village. Surely there were more intelligence, wiser people than I who would have done a better job.  His answer... "You were willing."

 My generation has made such a mess out of God's creation for which I am so ashamed. I believe it is time for us old ducks to get our rocking chairs and let the younger folks try and repair the mess we have made out of God perfect creation.



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